Ministry Teams

Baptism:                Eric Crowgey, Chris Bracknell, Guy Sutphin

Communion:         DeAnne Irving, Rachel Wilson, Glenna Turner

Constitution:        Diane Ball, Lisa Crowgey, Linda Sutphin, Alternate, Bill Valley

Equipping:             Billie Taylor, Betty Robinette, Jenny Stoker,

                                  Chair of Deacons Delores Nolan

Fellowship (Inreach):     Janet Montgomery, Rhonda Bracknell, Cindy Archer

Flower:                    Delores Nolan, Joel Hilton, Missy Throckmorton

Library:                   Delores Nolan, Carroll Stewart

Outreach:              Chris Bracknell, Guy Sutphin, Gary Taylor 

Pastor-Church Relations:    Cathy Valley, Linda Sutphin, Ty King

Personnel:                Rhonda Bracknell, Sharon Sowers, Lynn Arnold

Property:                  Chris Bracknell, George Archer, Guy Sutphin

Security:                  Tommy Hilton, Gary Taylor, Chris Bracknell, 

Stewardship:          Danny Sowers, Jenny Stoker, Billie Taylor

Tellers Team:           Janet Montgomery and Gary Taylor,

                                     Ty King and Tommy Hilton,

                                     Guy Sutphin and Rick Walker

Ushers:                     Becky Hudson, and Susan Keene

                                   Tommy Hilton, Guy Sutphin, and Linda Sutphin

                                    Danny Sowers and Chris Bracknell

                                     Gary Taylor, Billie Taylor, and Glenna Turner

 Worship:                   Jonathan Stoker, Dee Nolan, Rick Walker